Wednesday, May 18, 2016

“ The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: Self-respect, dignity,  Integrity, and self-esteem.”
                                                         -Dr.Laura Schlessinger

This quote is very inspiring because it shows how when you choose the right, you have this feelings. And this feelings are the self respect you have for yourself. Self respect means by not harming your body, and you respecting your  body. And example of hurting your body is cutting. The other feeling that you feel is integrity, you value how your personal beliefs, and how you stand up for what is right. Another one is self esteem. Self esteem is the way you talk about yourself. Some people have the tendency of talking about about themselves. Like “ohh i look fat in this” “oh id doesn't look good on me”. People that talk about their body like this is that they have negative thoughts. Which can lead to depression or suicide. Dignity is the same like self respect you need to love and embrace the way you look.

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