Tuesday, May 31, 2016

“ I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.”
-  Sophocles

What this quote is telling me that i would prefer to fail with honor than succeed by cheating. This quote is very true like it's better to have honor than to cheat. An when you lose with honor people respect that. But when you cheat to win that's not very nice. Some people work so hard to win, for someone to come and cheat them off, and win. It becomes really unfair. And that's not choosing the right. An it's better to lose to something than to cheat your way up. When someone works hard to make it to the top it shows how much passion he has. For what he is doing. But when someone cheats their way up to the top is shows how unreliable, and a sore loser you are. An when people find out that you cheated it's going to be very pain full for them as for you too. It's best just to lose with honor than to win by cheating.

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