Friday, April 8, 2016

Obstetrician/ Gynecologist  

Duties and Responsibilities:
From the start of a pregnancy through the delivery of the baby, an obstetrician's job is monitoring the health of the mother and child. These specialists are also customarily trained in gynecology and should have a keen interest in all aspects of women's general reproductive health care. This group of professionals must be available on call for both emergencies and childbirth.
Salary: $200,634.
In order to become an obstetrician you need a bachelor's degree. So you must graduate from college.  An after college you need to pass an MCAT exam which gets you into medical school. So as well you must attend medical school. Medical School is another 4 years. Your first 2 year you take courses, your last 2 years you're on the job training examining patients, in clinics, or hospitals. Once you Graduate from medical school you obtain a medical licensed, and do your residency. Once your done with residency you get board certification, and you get your job. After you must return to school to continue your degree, to renew your license. It's going to be a lot of work but i am willing to do it.
Demand : There is no type of demand, but i would still like to be an obstetrician.
Reflection: I would love to be an obstetrician because i want to bring life into this world. I want to work with babies and by which i mean i assist in delivering them into this world safe and sound. I would be an expert in the woman's reproductive system, and how babies grow in the womb. I am willing to attend school after college and willing to do more years, just to pursuit my dream!

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