Thursday, April 14, 2016

“ Character is higher than intellect”
-  Ralph Waldo Emerson
What this quote is telling me about is that you might be smart but what's higher than being smart is your character. Your character matters the most because that's what people first see. And then they question himself, is his character a good influence? Your character is the best thing that represents you. And your smartness isn't what people first see. It's your character you have towards life, or towards people. That's why i  agree with this quote because it very true, how people look into your character. And if your character is ctr then the people will like what they see. If your character is ctw, people will not even want to make eye contact with you. So it's best that your character is on point, so you can impress people in how great you are. And your intelligence can be put aside and let your character show first.

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