Wednesday, January 13, 2016

"We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and the courage to STOP what we shouldn't do." 
- Richard L. Evans

                What this statement is telling me is that we shouldn't stop doing the good. We should continue doing good with courage. And have courage to stop doing the wrong. We shouldn't have someone peer pressure you into doing bad. You need the courage to say no, we are doing the wrong. And lead them into doing the right, An example would be have the courage to ask somebody if they need help, and have the courage to say your doing the wrong to you or some one else. Say you see someone struggle with their grocers bags. You ask the if they need help,or help them any way. Have courage to say no to when someone offers you drugs, say no and walk away. We must be able to speak for our self and say no. 

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